What makes Academy Corner Tutoring different from other tutoring platforms?
We take pride in having a diverse & experienced group of educators who are passionate about furthering students' academic progress. Our program is primarily made up of State Certified Teachers who have extensive backgrounds in supporting students K-12. We also have tutors who are certified by various organizations such as the National Tutoring Association and the American Tutoring Association.
Which tutoring subjects are taught at ACT?
Our tutors teach all K-12 subjects such as Math, English, Reading, Writing, ESL, History, Science, Spanish, AP exam prep, SAT/ACT prep courses, and Homework help.
Do you provide in-person or online instruction?
We offer in-home and online tutoring sessions. We service 47 U.S. states, excluding Alaska, California, and Hawaii. Feel free to contact our team to see if we are serving your local area at info@academycornertutoring.com.
Are ACT tutors background screened?
Yes, every tutor that represents Academy Corner Tutoring is background screened.
How do I sign up for tutoring classes?
You can sign up by clicking the "Enroll Today" tab and following the steps to ensure smooth enrollment.
What's the difference between 1:1 tutoring and group tutoring sessions?
Our private tutoring sessions, offered both in-home and online, allow students to have one-on-one instructional learning. Tutors are able to provide a personalized and detailed lesson plan that is catered to the student's needs, areas of weaknesses, and helps improve a student's overall educational development.
Our group tutoring sessions, offered exclusively online, consist of up to 4 students per class. These sessions are designed to provide a collaborative environment to meet each student's needs, build confidence, and lead to a boost in the student's academic performance.
How much do your tutoring sessions cost?
You can view our tutoring pricing & rates on our classes page here.
How soon can my child start after registering?
Once you complete the steps to register, our enrollment team will begin the tutor selection process. Our enrollment team will match your child with their best-suited tutor based on subject, grade, and availability.
This can take anywhere from a few hours to 2 weeks. You will be notified as soon as your child's tutor has been assigned. Tutoring sessions will begin once your assigned tutor confirms your desired schedule.
What are the Terms and Conditions?
Please feel free to view our terms and conditions here.
Do I have to sign a contract?
No, there is no contract to sign for services. However, parents will need to complete a student registration form to book tutoring sessions.
How do I cancel a session? Will I receive a refund?
A 3-hour courtesy notice is required for all canceled sessions. Parents must notify their assigned tutor by email, text, or phone call. Notice of cancellation can also be made directly to the scheduling team by emailing info@academycornertutoring.com.
Classes are prepaid and billed each Friday before the next week begins. There are NO refunds. If you miss a scheduled class for any reason, it can be rescheduled for another agreed date and time by you and your tutor.
How do I unenroll a student from Academy Corner Tutoring?
A two-week notice is required to terminate services. The full payment for the final 2 weeks will be charged the Friday before the last two weeks of service.
How many sessions should I schedule weekly to ensure results?
For students with a formal diagnosis of a learning disability, it is advised that the student attends a minimum of 3 sessions per week. Otherwise, we recommend a minimum of 2 scheduled sessions per week. Students who work with a tutor at least twice a week have shown results within 2 months.
However, we understand that busy schedules and/or financial obligations take priority. Your student’s schedule will be made based on your personal preferences.
Are there any discounts for multiple children?
Yes! Students who enroll in private tutoring sessions within the same household are eligible to receive a discount.
Are you offering any promotions?
Yes! We are currently offering 10% off to students who book their 1st private tutoring session. Click here to learn more.
What are acceptable payment methods?
We accept all major debit and credit cards.
What is the best way to contact Academy Corner Tutoring?
Please feel free to contact us by email at info@academycornertutoring.com.
Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm EST and Saturday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm EST.